
Spelling Bee Competition Spelling Bee Competition

21 de agosto 2015

 Este año, hemos realizado dos concursos de deletreo en inglés durante los meses de julio y agosto. Uno para Educación Media, organizado por el IV Medio 2015, y otro para Educación Básica, organizado por el equipo de profesoras del Departamento de Inglés. En ambas oportunidades los alumnos demostraron su habilidad de deletrear palabras de mediana y alta dificultad.

This year, we have held two English Spelling Competition Contests, one in High School, which was totally organized by 12th graders 2015, and the other for Primary School organized by the English Department.

The students have shown their skills in the spelling of middle and high difficulty words.

Other stage of the contest consists on identifying the grammar function of the word, and putting the word into a context, using it in a sentence. Thus our students use the target language, and create real utterances with it.

The school’s auditorium was fully decorated and the students felt as they were being part of a big party / event for the English Subject, where every contestant was supported by the audience.

Teachers and all the Manquecura community enjoyed and participated in this event. Thanks to everyone.

I can’t wait for the next Spelling Competition, be always ready!


Miss Macarena Solís G.

English Department Coordinator