Spelling Bee Contest 2015
3 de September 2015
Last Saturday ( August 29th ) , students from Pumahue Chicureo, Pumahue Huechuraba, and Manquecura Valle Lo Campino gathered once again to participate in a new version of the Spelling Bee Contest.
They were nervous and excited to represent their schools and they all were outstanding competitors. It was an absolutely breathtaking competition, and they all demonstrated marvelous abilities to spell and identify difficult words and definitions. The winners of each category are
First grade Category
1st place: Cristóbal Hernández – Pumahue Huechuraba
2nd place: Paula Delgado- Pumahue Huechuraba
3rd place: Agustín Martínez – Pumahue Chicureo
Second and Third Grade Category
1st place: Anabella Echeverría – Pumahue Chicureo
2nd place: Renato Ormazábal – Manquecura Valle Lo Campino
3rd place: Antonia Ponce – Pumahue Huechuraba
Fourth and Fifth Grade Category
1st place: Martina Lagos – Manquecura Valle Lo Campino
2nd place: Benjamín Gracia – Manquecura Valle Lo Campino
3rd place: Antonia Espinoza – Pumahue Huechuraba
Sixth Grade Category
1st place: Matías Padilla – Manquecura Valle Lo Campino
2nd place: Josefina Soto – Pumahue Chicureo
3rd place: Antonia Zúñiga – Pumahue Huechuraba
Congratulations to all of them! We hope to see you again next year!
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